The ABAA Book Fair Returns to San Francisco

- by Bruce E. McKinney

Sunday, February 13th 

12:00 pm: Seminar: Book Collecting 101 

Topics discussed to include: What to collect and collecting strategies, what is a "first edition", how to judge a book's condition, bookish terms and jargon, where to buy books and where to find additional information.  

12:45 pm: Seminar: What’s This Book Worth? 

During this period, two frequently proferred questions will be addressed by one of our long-time ABAA members: 1. "I have this old book.  Is it worth anything?" And 2. "I have this rare book.  What's it worth?" Expanding on the context of these two questions, he will discuss the primary 4 factors that give books commercial and monetary value. Finally, strategies and venues for selling books will be offered, as well as when and how to get books professionally appraised. 

1:30 – 3:00 pm: Seminar: DISCOVERY DAY

As in past years, the 44th California International Antiquarian Book Fair will offer a Discovery Day, open to the public, free with paid admission. Exhibitors will offer interested individuals an opportunity to receive free oral appraisals on up to three books. 

3:00 pm: Seminar: Zamorano Select 

A Biblio-Baedeker to the Best of Californiana. It will be a presentation by Zamorano Club members William Donohoo and Gary F. Kurutz. 

The official website for the show:

A Google map of the neighborhood: Click here for a map.